Bitcoin Reddit

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Big Tech coming for low cost electricity

So it is no surprise that Big Tech is trying to find ways to power their AI models: But does anyone have concerns for what this means for the BTC min...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Moneyprinting question

Hey, I get all the inflation issues. I get devaluing your own currency when printing more of it. But what I don't understand is why a country cannot print a lot of money (stealth) to immediately buy foreign currencies or especially Bitcoin with (...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Is btc mining like the lottery?

When a bitcoin is mined is the winner equivalent to a winning lottery ticket? So, if I mined on a PC it might take a hundred years for me to win, like having just one ticket, whilst miners who mine millions of times quicker than me, have the equivale...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Bitcoin is so volatile!

​ submitted by /u/Neph55 [link] [comments]

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Transfer of Wealth

When will this transfer of wealth from dumb to miners subdue? I want to close my channels and settle on chain but it comes at hefty cost. I have some small UTXOs to consolidate as well. And no, L2 solutions are not secured from such events as chann...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Blockchain App not Working

Is anyone else having problems with the Blockchain App for the IPhone? I am using an IPhone 11 Pro. When I open it up it logs me in and says “Account” on the upper left and “DeFi Wallet” on the upper right which is all correct…but the rest of the sc...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Content against Bitcoin

I’m only into Bitcoin and I would consider myself as someone who has a good understanding of the technical and economic basics of BTC. I consume a lot of pro BTC media. For example for the German speaking community we have Blocktrainer, which is a BT...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 day ago

Daily Discussion, April 24, 2024

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank yo...